Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

Many are known about Leonardo da Vinci, yet many things still await to be discovered. Widely considered the “Renaissance man”, he was a man whose curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention and talent. Among others, he was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Many claim he was the smartest man to ever live, many claim he was the most talented to ever live… one thing’s for sure: he was a one of a kind man. For example,one remarkable indication that Leonardo wrote backwords was that he was dyslexic in his handwriting. Leonardo was constantly sketching out his ideas for inventions. Most of the time, he wrote his notes backwards. 

Citations Cited (Leonardo da Vinci)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Risk Taking

When I read  Brunelleschi’s Dome, They mention that the builders found a crack down the main surface of the building before they even built the first machine to lift the Dome materials into the air. And during the building of the tower in Pisa, the builders noticed the lean after adding the second level. What made Brunaleschi extrodinarly different is that he took risk, It implied danger, tension, and possible loss. But  Brunelleschi looked at he the postive side of risk, the chance of hitting a big win. Without the risk that Brunelleschi risk taking,we would have probably developed the concept of linear perspective, and showing depth on a flat surface years later.He had made such a huge impact on architecture in the Italian Renaissance.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

I think new ideas come from inspirations.For example, when little Leonardo Da Vinci was in the yard on a cold wet stump looking at all of the animals and the blue sky.He suddenly he got an inspiration and took out a paper and pencil.He started to draw them,soon he drew them everyday and that is how Leonardo Da Vinci developed his love for art.He grew up as a great painter,inventor, and scientist. He was unique in his own special way. In many people’s opinion he was one of the best artists in the world.The little boy who once drew animals later drew one of the best paintings of our time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My favorite story is....

I thought the "The Sniper" revealed the chilling reality of civil war, but what really struck me was the last sentence of the story, "Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother's face"The author had some great detailed paragraphs, for example, "Pressing his lips together,he took a deep breath through his nostrils and fired.He was almost deafened with the report and his arm shock with the recoil." This story had a real meaning to me, I relized that war reduces us human beings as just mere objects.