Monday, March 28, 2011

Saying Sorry to Aboriginals

In my opinion the British can start saying sorry to those families back then who they stole from. It might be not much but it shows that the British do care about what they did. Another way is paying for medical care or small expenses for the Australians.Still today,many Indigenous Australians worked as stockmen on sheep stations and cattle stations. They should be able to work as higher class men and so forth.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Molly isn't a Hero

Rabbit-Proof Fence is a film that is set in 1931; three Aboriginal girls escape after being captured to be trained as domestic workers and go on a journey back home.In my opinion, Molly isn't a hero at all. First she put her siblings in danger just because she wants to go home to see her mother once again Even though her siblings like the place at the 'boob' she didn't care about their opinions and forced that to leave. If she was a hero and a role model, she'd would have stay there and wait. These aren't qualities of a hero in my opinion.