Saturday, April 9, 2011

Malaysia Week!

Hey you! my name is Justin Yap and I'm from Malaysia. To exciting news is that I have never experience bring on a Malaysia Week site before but I'm surely ready to explore! I think the most excited thing I'm actually looking for is tubing down the rapids. Even though it may be dangerous still looks fun. I really don't think Im actually scared of anything if any.

Here are some ways that we can be eco friendly
1.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost
Reusing packaging material saves more energy than recycling. By avoiding extra packaging, you save both energy and landfill space. Yard and kitchen waste (leaves/grass/vegetable scraps) are 30% of trash. Reduce this amount by composting. Also be sure to re-use plastic bags, or better yet... refuse plastic bags when you really don't need them.
2.Eat less meat/eat more local and organic foods
Feedlots are a major source of organic pollution. Tropical forests are cut to raise beef.
3.Conserve water
Don't let faucets run. Never water your lawn at midday. Place a brick in old toilets. Take low flow short showers. Run the dishwasher only when it is full. Let grass grow longer. Plant native or drought-tolerant garden plants.


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