Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Power of Image

Caucasus, a place seldom seen

The purpose of this image above is to potraying a grieving woman who just lost her two sons which may have been in a war. We never really hear the horror of stories of what violence brings and this just shows what it brings. I never heard of the place Caucasus until now and it shows the many countries that have wars but is never brought to light. Every black and white photo tells a story. In this case because it is in black and white, it brings a nostalgic feeling and somehow we can connect to losing a loved one.  The facial expression of this woman says everything about the photo. It sets the tone of sadness and by looking in the background of this photo, you can tell this lady doesn't have very much and her sons were her most prized possession. The contrast of the blackness and white really adds an effect to it as because the color black represents grief and suffering which completely adds to the mood. This picture also represents a decisive moment. In photography, a "decisive moment" is a moment in time that wouldn't  be easily repeated during the time you are there photographing the subject and has some great significance telling a story. This photo could never be staged or repeated which makes the photo genuinely realistic. All in all each and every one of us take for granted the roof above our heads, no violence in Malaysia and this picture reminds us of what we have.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Awkward situations aren't as awkward as they should be

The word awkward is WAY too over used. Waiting for your food is not awkward. If someone is wearing something weird it doesn't make the situation awkward. What this means is what’s awkward to you may not be awkward to the person with whom you’re interacting.The next time something seems awkward, observe what’s happening. If you’re shifting in your seat, rubbing your sweaty palms on your knees, and avoiding eye contact while the other person is sitting and seems content, he or she probably is.If you’re beyond revising your definition of what an awkward situation is, try your best to at least understand where other people are coming from. Awkwardness isn’t tied to eternity. The elevator ride doesn’t last forever. You’ll get to the front of the line eventually. The dinner finishes at one point. What I cringe about is when the room gets silent and someone blurts out "Well this is awkward!" Please! It was never an awkward situation to began with and you just made it awkward with your unnecessary comments. Point being is the next time to you think it awkward, it probably isn't 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Persuasive Essay

I hate celebrating birthdays. That sounds really blunt but it's the truth. I'm not talking about little twelve year old and small kids who invite all their friends over and receiving presents. 

No, I'm talking about people who don't like the attention as it reminds them they aren't getting any younger. In fact, there are actually many of us but we keep the thought to ourselves. Everyone will always have that one aunt who rings and some distant relative or a supposed friend who hasn't called for a year wishes you many happy returns of the day in a sugary, insincere voice, showering you with praise. Let's not forget that friends who says they "bought" you a present but they accidentally "forgot" it or they never even bought you one in the first place. But I think the worst are aunts or uncles who ask questions after the fact they wish you. "What grade are you in now?" "How old are you?" These typical questions that drag a simple wish into a long conversation. Why or why, you would think, do you have to suffer so much on your own birthday? Who came up with this idea of celebrating birthdays in the first place? Mm lets talk about presents. Who doesn't like presents? I don't; Now before you call me weird let me explain to you why.  At one time someone bought me a gift of something I truly needed and I slid it across the table back to them with a gracious ” no thank you”. I've even been yelled at before by not accepting gifts or having my birthday acknowledged and that’s pretty sad. I mean, doesn't everyone just want to be understood and their wishes respected? If I need something, I buy it. If I can’t afford it, I wait till I can. Not taking anything from anyone means I can live my life and experience my relationships at face value. Another thought is isn't strange how some people go all out to celebrate someones birthday yet throughout the rest of the year they would show no affection or interest. No sign of life for 364 days and then, suddenly, an outburst of emotion. Why do they feel so obliged to call and wish many happy returns of the day? The same thing often happens at weddings and funerals. Actually funerals attract lots of people, who often never even met the deceased but come anyway because of the free food and drinks and no need to bring presents. 

Anyways I'm getting off track but the point that I wanted to make is be courteous to people who don't like celebrating or hide away when it's their birthday because they probably have a reason to.   

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My reflection on “On Compassion” by Barbara Lazear Ascher

After giving it much thought, I completely agree with her that compassion is not a character trait but something that must be learned through experiences. We can all learn to be better versions of ourselves quite on purpose. The other idea I agree on is giving out of compassion like the French woman in the shop; But I think another side is giving for the sake of giving. Now now, here me out on this before you call me Mr. Scrooge. Let’s take for example Christmas time. I love Christmas. I love the snow-themed everything and even though it might be Malaysia I still make the most of it. Again, I’m in love with giving but do we need to buy to give? We seem to think that buying is the solution to any problem, but that has lead to a society that is deeply in debt and piled high with needless stuff. We give because it’s the social norm. No-one wants to look like that guy or girl who didn’t buy their friends gifts because it hurts the environment or because they think it’s stupid. So we tend to go with the flow of the crowd and this act of charity ends up being a chore that we can cross off our list. I just wanted to remind anyone who is reading this that if you really want to give do it because you want to and not because you have too. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Failing to Learn Japanese in Five Minutes

Hipster. Lately people have been calling me a "Hipster" which made me wonder "Am I a Hipster?" I immediately rejected the thought and even had a little chuckle at the mere concept of me sticking to a stereotype. But then I realized something. Every Hipster I'd ever met had laughed at the idea of them being a Hipster. Most people say no hipster is self aware enough to realize what they are but I beg to differ..A few weeks ago, our school had spirit week in which every day was a new theme. So Wednesday was Hipster day. Without realizing, I put on my regular clothes and added glasses to my outfit. It was not only when Grant Tarlton told me I was wearing my regular clothes. And BAM! did it hit me that I was in fact I was a Hipster trying to dress up as a "Hipster". I'm pretty sure irony slapped me in the face that day.