Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Power of Image

Caucasus, a place seldom seen

The purpose of this image above is to potraying a grieving woman who just lost her two sons which may have been in a war. We never really hear the horror of stories of what violence brings and this just shows what it brings. I never heard of the place Caucasus until now and it shows the many countries that have wars but is never brought to light. Every black and white photo tells a story. In this case because it is in black and white, it brings a nostalgic feeling and somehow we can connect to losing a loved one.  The facial expression of this woman says everything about the photo. It sets the tone of sadness and by looking in the background of this photo, you can tell this lady doesn't have very much and her sons were her most prized possession. The contrast of the blackness and white really adds an effect to it as because the color black represents grief and suffering which completely adds to the mood. This picture also represents a decisive moment. In photography, a "decisive moment" is a moment in time that wouldn't  be easily repeated during the time you are there photographing the subject and has some great significance telling a story. This photo could never be staged or repeated which makes the photo genuinely realistic. All in all each and every one of us take for granted the roof above our heads, no violence in Malaysia and this picture reminds us of what we have.


  1. I thought your photo was a very thought provoking image. I liked your analysis and agree that it gives off a grief and suffering mood. The woman's face tells it all, and I agree that her sons must have been her prized possession. Overall great job analyzing!

  2. I think this is a really powerful picture and I like how you choose a black and white photo because it really enhance the mood of the situation. I agree with you how "Every black and white photo tells a story", but I think rather black and white usually tells a story thats in the past or a sad story. Don't you think so? I also really like how you pointed out that her sons were her most prized possession. And how you describe the mood upon the color of the picture! If you could talk about the mom's expression a little more, that would be better. But overall, good job!

  3. Hey Justin.
    I think you should have included a little more detail about this photo, but overall, this was a good analysis. Your viewpoints were spot on. I agree with the analysis, although I think you could have included more about the background or the photographer's intent.
    Overall, nice job! x

  4. You made a great choice with choosing this image. It shows a lot of emotion and is very powerful. Although you don't go in depth with your analysis, you touched on the right elements that really add to the mood and message delivered from this image. Good Job Justin! If your analysis were to be more formal I would recommend to elaborate a bit more!

  5. A powerful image. You made some good notice and comments on visual detail. It is very interesting about the "decisive" moment. I do think you could have said more--what is it about the sad facial expression? What is it about Caucasus? And, do we really have "no violence" in Malaysia?
