Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Persuasive Essay

I hate celebrating birthdays. That sounds really blunt but it's the truth. I'm not talking about little twelve year old and small kids who invite all their friends over and receiving presents. 

No, I'm talking about people who don't like the attention as it reminds them they aren't getting any younger. In fact, there are actually many of us but we keep the thought to ourselves. Everyone will always have that one aunt who rings and some distant relative or a supposed friend who hasn't called for a year wishes you many happy returns of the day in a sugary, insincere voice, showering you with praise. Let's not forget that friends who says they "bought" you a present but they accidentally "forgot" it or they never even bought you one in the first place. But I think the worst are aunts or uncles who ask questions after the fact they wish you. "What grade are you in now?" "How old are you?" These typical questions that drag a simple wish into a long conversation. Why or why, you would think, do you have to suffer so much on your own birthday? Who came up with this idea of celebrating birthdays in the first place? Mm lets talk about presents. Who doesn't like presents? I don't; Now before you call me weird let me explain to you why.  At one time someone bought me a gift of something I truly needed and I slid it across the table back to them with a gracious ” no thank you”. I've even been yelled at before by not accepting gifts or having my birthday acknowledged and that’s pretty sad. I mean, doesn't everyone just want to be understood and their wishes respected? If I need something, I buy it. If I can’t afford it, I wait till I can. Not taking anything from anyone means I can live my life and experience my relationships at face value. Another thought is isn't strange how some people go all out to celebrate someones birthday yet throughout the rest of the year they would show no affection or interest. No sign of life for 364 days and then, suddenly, an outburst of emotion. Why do they feel so obliged to call and wish many happy returns of the day? The same thing often happens at weddings and funerals. Actually funerals attract lots of people, who often never even met the deceased but come anyway because of the free food and drinks and no need to bring presents. 

Anyways I'm getting off track but the point that I wanted to make is be courteous to people who don't like celebrating or hide away when it's their birthday because they probably have a reason to.   


  1. I think that your topic was very interesting to read. I've never read a persuasive essay about birthday. And I also agree with you about how some people just come and go into a birthday party or funeral,... to get free foods or gifts. "No sign of life for 364 days and then, suddenly, an outburst of emotion" I really like this statement. Also, you have a really strong voice in your essay.

  2. Hey Justin.
    First off, your viewpoint was actually pretty interesting to read. I really enjoyed reading your opinion. Sometimes being pessimistic in a persuasive essay really helps the reader see what the narrator is talking about, so you did an extremely good job on getting your point across.
    Make sure to watch your grammar. "I'm not talking about little twelve year old and small kids who invite all their friends over and receiving presents. " It sounds kind of awkward, so make sure to read through your essay once or twice to fix the mistakes!
    I actually agree with what you're saying. We live 24/7 and no one really acknowledges it until your birthday. That's pretty stupid.
    Overall, fantastic job! I really enjoyed it. :)

  3. I agree with Anh, I have never read a persuasive essay on birthday celebrations, but I found it very interesting and unique. I agree with you that I don't like celebrating my birthday, and my family does go out for dinner. I remember one time when I was 12 the whole restaurant began singing to me, and I burst into tears and went to go sit in the bathroom. That was the last time they have ever told people to sing on my birthday. You have a very strong voice in your essay, which makes it easy to read and allows the reader to connect with the author. Great job!
