Monday, April 22, 2013

Awkward situations aren't as awkward as they should be

The word awkward is WAY too over used. Waiting for your food is not awkward. If someone is wearing something weird it doesn't make the situation awkward. What this means is what’s awkward to you may not be awkward to the person with whom you’re interacting.The next time something seems awkward, observe what’s happening. If you’re shifting in your seat, rubbing your sweaty palms on your knees, and avoiding eye contact while the other person is sitting and seems content, he or she probably is.If you’re beyond revising your definition of what an awkward situation is, try your best to at least understand where other people are coming from. Awkwardness isn’t tied to eternity. The elevator ride doesn’t last forever. You’ll get to the front of the line eventually. The dinner finishes at one point. What I cringe about is when the room gets silent and someone blurts out "Well this is awkward!" Please! It was never an awkward situation to began with and you just made it awkward with your unnecessary comments. Point being is the next time to you think it awkward, it probably isn't 

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea--talking about awkwardness! What a great idea. Thoughtful and entertaining.
